Read This Before You Buy A Vertical Jump Program!!!!

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So I am pretty sure that for the avid basketball player, seeing a tall player makes you think that they will easily be able to dunk a basketball right? Wrong. Just because you are tall and lets say if someone is 6 foot 5 and if he is not able to dunk then that is perfectly normal. You can not say the person is not gifted and that is not entirely true. Just because you are tall does not guarantee that you will be able to dunk, you still need to workout just like every NBA professional basketball player. If you think that NBA professional basketball players are already able to dunk just because of their height then you are sadly mistaken.

Then their is the other basketball player that has purchased a number of vertical jump programs and still is not able to dunk the basketball like the program has promised every user would be able to do. Well truth is, that many vertical jump programs are all the same in one sence, that they all require you to workout and perform exercises and weight training. This is what every vertical jump program has in common and if you purchase one and if it does not have weight training in it then you should ask for a refund.

If you have a personal trainer and if he tells you that you need to perform 50 squats as a repetition then you will need to get another trainer and not someone who just wants to get his commision. When performing an exercise and if you do many repetitions then you are making your muscles less explosive and that is not what you want. You want to make your muscles explosive and make all the hard training that you had to put up with, worth it. Let me tell you something, when you workout with heavy weights and do low repetitions then that is the key to making your muscles explosive. Do you think you will become explosive if you do 20 reps for a lower body exercise? No, right? It will sound better if you squat with the most weight that you can for 5 reps. You can see the difference and that is the key to becoming an explosive athlete.

When you apply this training principle to your workout routine then you will greatly see the difference and you will find out that working with many reps just does not cut it and actually can make you less explosive. So if you buy a vertical jump program, make sure it is one like the Jump Manual because it is the best program for increasing vertical and explains to you in detail everything you need to do. Overall, when you train explosively, you will see the results first hand the power of high resistance training.

If you would like to jump higher and finally start dunking a basketball. Then please check out my increase vertical lens here;

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