What Acne Scar Surgery Options Do You Have

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When it comes to getting rid of acne scars, many people find that topical creams or peels don’t seem to make much of a difference. But there are many different options you need to consider and discuss with your doctor before deciding upon acne scar surgery. There are specific procedures that suited well to certain scars and not for others.

So, first of all, it’s important to identify the types of scars that you want to treat. Rolling scars are mildly indented; boxcar scars are indented and have a sharp border; icepick scars are small, narrow and deep; and hypertrophic or keloidal scars are raised and inflammed.

The Candela Smoothbeam laser involves the use of a combination of heating and cooling to selectively heat the middle layer (dermis) of the skin. This FDA-approved laser can treat wrinkles, acne and acne scars. Four treatments is a general recommendation with this type of scar surgery to be effective. Side effects are very minimal, with the most common being a mild redness in certain areas that can last a few hours. Rare side effects include blistering or color changes and scarring is possible but extremely rare.

Non-albative Fractional Resurfacing affects both the epidermis (outer layer) and dermis of the skin with microscopic laser beams. This type of surgery is characterized by extremely quick healing time (1-2 days of swelling, 2-4 days of redness, 4-7 days of peeling) as it is relatively gentle. Repeated sessions are necessary.

PDL laser is a good option for hypertrophic or keloidal scars. This type of laser destroys unwanted blood vessels that produce the pink appearance of these types of scars. PDL laser surgery can create a bruise which can remain for up to ten days. Corticosteroid injections are also only Used only for hypertrophic scars or keloids. It involves a series of injections with medicinal steroids to reduce or shrink an inflamed raised scar.

Subcision is another type of acne scar surgery which works well on rolling scars. In this procedure, the surgeon first numbs the area with an injection of anesthesa. Then, he/she breaks up the scar tissue underneath with a small needle. There is no recovery time needed after this surgery although bruising can last 1 to 2 weeks.

Punch Excision works effectively on icepick scars. Here a “punch instrument” is used to remove the scar. The wound is then stitched up and the scar that remains is much smaller than the one that it replaces.

Derma filler injections can be done to fill in scar holes as well. These can be done in just a few minutes and there is little or no recovery time necessary. But the results of this procedure are not permanent so it must be repeated regularly. How often you must return to get derma fillers depends on the filler materials uesd and the condition of your skin.

The above information about acne scar surgery does not substitute medical advice given by a health professional.

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