Knowing The BodyByVi Fit Kit

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The Body By Vi Fit Kit may be the fifth kit that was added to the series of challenge kits made available from Visalus Sciences. Although the BodyByVi Challenge started out as primarily a weight loss program lots of people within the fitness industry took hold of the challenge and began making use of it with regards to own individual goals. Since the kits which were bought at the time were primarily for weight reduction and maintenance, clearly there was not anything specifically designed for the athlete in order to build muscle and get their active lifestyle to the next level.

The athletes, fitness professionals, and individuals with active lifestyles had a great solution with regards to protein drinks with the Vi-Shape shake mix but there wasn’t as much use to them. With the demand starting to come along it was subsequently the most perfect timing show them the Body By Vi Fit Kit. This allowed many individuals with active lifestyles for taking their challenge to a higher level.

Before introducing the Body By Vi Fit Kit, CMO & Co-Founder of Visalus Sciences, Blake Mallen took the Fit Kit to be able to accomplish his personal challenge of adding 20 pounds of lean muscle mass in 90 days. The reality is, he gained 23 pounds of lean muscle mass with the Fit Kit together with the Vi-Pak.

The Fit Kit is a big accessory for the Body By Vi Challenge. This basically means there won’t be excuses why someone should not join the challenge. Previously, some people passed up the Body By Vi Challenge since they saw purely as being a weight-loss solution and might avoid seeing past and realize the benefits of the products themselves. By introducing a kit into the challenge to the athlete or individual with an active lifestyle it eliminates all excuses. Just consider for example Blake. He’s never been a muscle guy, never lifted weights yet he added 23 pound of muscle in 90 days.

The Fit Kit is now getting used by many top athletes and folks planning to take their fitness one step further. Some of the athletes include UFC Fighter Ryan Jensen, Siren from American Gladiators, and also Hulk Hogan. This is definitely the challenge kit chosen among top athletes and people with very active lifestyles.

The Body By Vi Fit Kit takes after all additional challenge kits provided by Visalus and has the Vi-Shape shake mix as being the foundation of the kit. The Fit Kit includes 60 servings of the shake mix (2 shakes every day) in conjunction with 30 Nutra-Cookies, and 30 of the Go Energy Drink Shots and Pro Energy Drink Mix. The energy shots and mix should be used during a workout as a way to give you more energy. This allows you to lift more while training harder.

For those that ordered the 1st month the product was released, additionally they received 3 FREE boxes of Nutra-Cookies AND a specialized training video from athletes, celebrities and top fitness experts including Hulk Hogan, Lil Romeo, Jenny Lynn, & Lindsay Messina. If you’re interested in take your fitness one step further, than the Fit Kit is definitely for you.

The BodyByVi Challenge is great for anyone with whatever health or workout goals they may have. The newly released Body By Vi Fit Kit means the active person or athlete to succeed their lifestyle one step further.

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