How to match accessories with Flutter & Wow Silver Bangle

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The look of any outfit gets change completely if you wear on the different accessories along it. This year, you must wear imposing pieces such as the necklaces, over dimensioned rings or the Flutter & Wow Silver Bangle. Here are some tips being discussed that will help you in making the best choice.

The Flutter & Wow Silver Bangle with big earrings

Those types of earrings are perfect for the best maxi dresses as they are inspired from the oriental culture. If you are choosing a simple dress then it is advised to get the big earrings and bangles and if you are wearing a flowered dress then it is better to just wear a golden earrings. Just think about a fluffy dress with a pair of earrings, multiple colored pieces and the Flutter & Wow Silver Bangle. You will most commonly see this combination over the streets even because it is much easier to obtain it. You can try a casual, even sport combination that is highlighted by the accessories. You will realize their power once your friends will start admiring you.

The Rondo earrings with Flutter & Wow Silver Bangle

For a grey sport dress, it is better to choose pink as the accessorizing items. This combination simply looks great and even this individual color has lot of tendencies.

If you like the big earrings, it is better not to wear any necklace. As it is the custom rule, that is if you are wearing heavy items then don’t go for the second over dimensioned accessory. However, you can add the Flutter & Wow Silver Bangle, but it is better to choose a different material from the one of the earrings. Choose the one that has only one common element in matching. The silver material looks good for the bracelet choice being made of completely silver. You don’t need to put on earrings, if you are already wearing a big sized bracelet. However, if you renounce the bracelet, than you can wear one ring that is also made of silver, with no colored stone.

Let’s see a few advices about assorting the Flutter & Wow Silver Bangle with the shape of your face.

The earrings and the necklace can highlight the qualities or the defects of your face. Jewelry can really change the effect of the face and enhance the look. Earrings don’t only help you to look great with an enhanced look but they also hide the negative things about your face.

The oval face is suited with any kind of accessories. Big and round, square or candelabra, the earrings can be easily suited with the silver bangle, and the shape of your face helps your aspect also. For a mature lady, the small earrings are not recommended.

Don’t go for the round earrings, if you already have the riound face. Consider the color of the bangle also in this aspect and choose the earrings with longer looks.

For the squared face, the rounded earrings are mandatory. Don’t wear the square shaped earrings or that are firm rather you my choose the oversized or medium earrings.

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