Small business general liability insurance save your business for several risks

Small businesses general liability insurance is very important.
One of my longest friends learned this on the hard way. He had the minimal insurance for small businesses that he could. He ran a restaurant, and employed the best sanitary practices that he could implement. He believed that the chance of anyone getting bad at his restaurant was minimal. He’d rather save the money on small business general liability insurance for small businesses and use it to invest in developing his company.
Of course, he was right. No one did get nasty in his company. The food was excellent. Unfortunately, disaster struck in another way. Someone slipped and fell on a moist floor on the way into the restaurant. Because he had no general liability insurance for small business, he was forced out of business by the high costly lawsuits. I don’t know what the jury was thinking. I guess they felt that the person should be rewarded for the suffering that they went through, even if it wasn’t my friend’s fault. This just shows you the importance of getting the right small businesses general liability insurance.

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