How To Control Depression and Anxiety
Depression and anxiety can be a result of a major trauma in your life such as a bereavement or break up of a relationship. It can also be due to a build up of worry over problems such as debt, redundancy or family issues. Some people are prone to worrying more than others.
While some tackle problems head on and find solutions, others may just dwell on the problem until it becomes a huge anxiety. It’s very hard to get someone to change their way of thinking over night, and often medication may be the short term answer.
If you are suffering from depression and anxiety you need to work out what is causing it. If you have been worrying over something for more than 30 days it will have become a habit. Focusing on negative thoughts attracts negative energy which will cause depression. It quickly becomes a viscious cycle of anxiety and depression which is hard to break out of.
Counselling will help you get to the root of the problem, but you could also try meditation. Set aside time each day and completely empty your mind of all thoughts. About 5 minutes may be enough if that’s all you can spare. Gradually introduce only positive thoughts back into your mind and when you feel a negative thought trying to enter your head just ignore it. Keep repeating this several times a day until you can replace the old habit of negative thought with positive thoughts. This may not be as easy as it sounds and you will need to be persistent if you want to end the cycle of depression and anxiety.
Author: aubu400
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