Components Of Dell Laptop Battery

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Laptops are important tools in today’s society, making proper care for them paramount. One of the key components of any laptop is its battery. Here you will learn how to charge a Dell laptop battery, ensuring it provides hours of laptop usage. Place the laptop on a clean and level surface, close to the power outlet you will be using. Examine the laptop power cable and identify the end that looks like a power prong for a power outlet. Take this end and plug it into the power outlet you are using. Look on the back of the Dell laptop and locate where the laptop power cable will be plugged in. This will be a small circular hole, about 1/4 inch in diameter. Take the other end of the laptop power cable and plug it into this hole. Charge the Dell laptop battery by leaving the laptop power cable plugged into the power outlet and Dell laptop. Time to fully charge a battery will vary, based on the amount of power the battery currently has. Check the power level of your laptop battery by carefully lifting up your Dell laptop and pressing the button on the bottom of the Dell laptop, which displays a battery icon. Zero to six green lights will display, showing the current power level of the laptop battery. This shows a range of power from zero lights, meaning empty, to six lights, meaning full. Unplug the laptop power cable from the Dell laptop once the green lights on the bottom of the laptop indicate a full battery.

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